Anxiety , stress, even disease hold unexpressed emotion that is built into our Allotted Karma. Suppressed emotion is a cultural norm and is deeply damaging to one's health and well-being. Sadly most are afraid to really feel their grief, love and joy, which is incredibly restrictive, passing wound after wound to our future generations. It's time to change the narrative and begin to understand the yuck, so you can fully enjoy the yumminess of life, and this can only happen by you getting to know your story, and all the information it entails that is crucial to living the life you know is possible.
This will be a deeply informative journey of exploring your life story.
We will understand your soul story from a Shamanic, Buddhist, Yogic as well as Christian point of view.
All that we will be doing in this workshop will be an incredible tool in your healing throughout your life and a way in which you can help your family and friends.
1st Week- You will learn how to do the Biography on your partner and they on you. I will split you into groups to complete the biography with a partner over the next 2 weeks.
2nd Week- We will check in about your Biography work, and discuss the many components of Karma and how to recognize your enmeshment and beginning your journey into a fully embodied and conscious living being.
3rd Week- You will create a compass of your Soul from your Biography.
4th Week- Thanksgiving Break- Time to finish up any Biographies and Compass work.
5th Week- Group Discussion of Holiday Triggers and Lessons, as well as A Guided Journey to Oversoul Consciousness, to your Highest Self.
NEXT STEPS: After the workshop you can have 1:1 regression sessions with Kari, join New Moon Circle and other workshops to continue your journey into discovering your truth such as the Deep Dive Into Truth Group Workshop, INTO THE WOMB Rites of Passage Work, Ascension into Truth Exploration and more.
To Understand the Soul Catalyst foundations, go here
COST; $199
Invite a friend and get $30 discount. This is highly encouraged because we will be pairing up to do the biographies and this is a highly intimate experience. So if you know someone you trust who needs this, and you want to get to know, please invite them to join you. I promise it will be worth your time and money. (Please reach out to Kari to get this discount.)
Once you have completed UNFURL INTO TRUTH & DEEP DIVE INTO TRUTH, you are an established client eligible for 1:1 Past Life Regression & Shamanic Healing Sessions. My purpose in this type of set up is to empower you to heal yourself and trust your wild wisdom and intuition.
““It was the most amazing spiritual moments I’ve had and I’ve seen a lot of various healers before- but because of Kari and her work, it was so inspiring!!!! This was the right balance of getting to the core while learning more than I could ever imagine about myself. She’s simply incredible and I can’t believe the transformation.” ”