Hi! My name is Kari, I’m a devoted Lover, Mother & Mystic

Kari Rivers Spiritual Counselor, Shamanic Healer & Depth Hypnosis Practitioner


…is that we have everything we need within, and when we begin to have experiential moments with our wisdom and truth, we find the path of least resistance, into a lightness and freedom we knew was possible, but didn't previously know how to access. 

We are all born as multi-dimensional beings of pure divine essence, a part of everything, seen and unseen. In our soul's human journey we chose to separate from the garden of eden, becoming lost in an individual and mass consciousness of constructs, beliefs and a burdensome memory, personal and ancestral.  Life moves with repetitious emotion and story, meanwhile there is a whisper of hope that we will gravitate back into a desire to re-member and awaken our inherent truth of who we are not, and into all that we are. 

In our journey to healing, learning how to map out the distinctions of damage and where the spirit collides is where the nectar resides. At Seeds of Satya, we inquire into those spaces within that are ready to be known, embraced, released and restored to originality. It is a surrender into the density living within, so our truth can be claimed and our joy be planted. In that very action, we begin to change all the circumstances, scenarios and relationships around us through pure awareness and wisdom. 



and my Love, is to dance with you in the spirit realms, to guide you into our innate knowing and re-membering. We become like that of a hallow bone, allowing all energies that surface to flow through us, intuitively guiding ourselves into an intimate relationship with the seen and unseen, trusting the signpost that we intuitively receive. With awareness, the energetic cringes that seem to be living, breathing and controlling us dissolve, moving us into greater states of balance, harmony, neutrality and spacious silence.  It's a surrender into the dark unconscious aspects of our being and an ascension into your well-spring of forgiveness, compassion and LOVE that blooms into an immense trust and ease, grace and gratitude, creativity and joy.  It is the sum parts of a once seemingly polar opposite viewpoint of duality, into a realization of the magnificent love that we are and are all a part of. 


My passion is not to intuitively share what I see. My passion is to guide you so that you feel and see for yourself. Together we weave magic through awareness, breath and sound that circumvents into a profound teaching and ancestral healing that will never leave your memory. Why? Because you have had an embodied experience and meaningful connection with the source of our original knowing and being that awakens your truth of your past desire and aversions that you are here to do differently. Our experience together changes your DNA, your memory and your reality, and we are guided by the infinite source of Oneness.


I've been traveling a beautiful, yet not so easy path that has schooled me and continues to unravel me from the the inside out. A novel of long ago betrayal that led to insecurity and a distrust in my intuition and that of wearing a heavy backpack of sadness and anger due to the witnessed trauma of a broken world and lost tribe. A collection, a mirror of all the unhealed grieved stories held within from past incarnations, and the mirrored reflections I have witnessed without in this lifetime. All this inner-woven with serendipity and unbelievable magic moments that kept nudging me, “wake up”. A dream that kept whispering, “Things are not as they seem”. So yes you could say, I've always been a sensitive and spiritually inclined person, but there was a time in which I had forgotten how to access the depths of inner-knowing. Then my spiritual awakening and shamanic death came, and bowled me over with undeniable fear and distress. A perceived dance with death and the unseen realms for well over a month that led me into undeniable experiences with the unseen world within me. There was nothing to do but surrender into every moment and experience. In my eventual desperation and plea to God, a sudden miraculous healing occurred with instruction as to “become a Spiritual Counselor and follow all paths that will lead to truth”. Life has never been the same and I have been fully dedicated to the process of dissolution and simultaneous expansion, into the vaster and infinite aspects of all that we truly are.  Life is now my playground of discovery and my catacomb of dissolving into truth and love.

Cosmic Oneness

My training has been wherever I'm guided within and without. A deep surrender into what Great Spirit has directed me to learn from personal life experiences of “healer heal thyself”, and the vast resources of embodied and disembodied teachers. I've walked through countless doors, thus have been guided to a rich diversity of practices, teachings, lineages and sacred lands that come from a pure space of Love, and rich unforgettable teachings from my own heart. My path consist of lessons of deep trust, surrender, courage, fierce compassion, forgiveness, acceptance, releasing & reclaiming, learning & unlearning, dissolution & expansion. A continual circle of Giving & Receiving.

Although my tool belt is big, I'm truly supported, just as you are, by something far greater that goes beyond singularity. A space of connecting deeply with intuition and trust, guided by the Source that we are all apart of.

Thus in my sessions with you, healing comes from the cosmic eternal heart of Oneness. Which is the path we are all on… learning how to love into every part of our being, bridging the distance between the heart and mind.


My clientele...

Are of all ages and experiences. I have worked with wide demographics and economic variety throughout my entire life path. I’m passionate about working with initiatory soul stages of the teen years, young adulthood, parenthood and elderhood. Just as within the body, I also work with land and home imbalances. I’m certain I can help you find clarity and imbue a sense of trust and balance within your life path and experience.

I welcome whoever feels called to work with me and awaken our individual, mass-conscious and unconscious story. I love working with the full spectrum of life experience and ages.


Prior to becoming a Spiritual Counselor, Shamanic & Depth Hypnosis Practitioner, I have worked as a Camp Counselor, Corporate Physical Fitness Trainer and Nutrition Counselor, Wilderness Guide, High/Low Ropes Facilitator, Adolescent & Child Counselor, Wilderness Therapy with Foster Care Children, & a Trauma Nurse in TN, CA, CO & Burma Border.

After marrying the love of my life we gave birth to two girls who have blown our hearts open in a million ways, I started seeing cients in 2011 and opened Seeds of Satya in 2013, tending to the hearts of children, teens and adults of all ages, teaching classes and workshops, leading Grief Ceremonies and assisting Rite of Passage work for men and women.

Spiraling outward, helps us to understand ourselves and our experience. Spiraling inward is the path of courage, vulnerability, devotion and patience. There is no greater journey. All will be changed by our ability to rise into a content and grateful heart, no matter the push and pull of polarity within our human experience. 

We each are a unique expression of the divine, a multiplicity of oneness.

The world needs our wisdom, our creativity, our TRUTH, our MAGIC!!! 

Client reviews can be found here:

Google Business -Denver, Facebook, Yelp and Google Business -Asheville.

& Here.

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Are you ready?

I'm excited to guide you into an exploration of your truth that will set you upon the path that leads you back into your wild organic nature, manifesting your innate magnificence... your magic! 



Infinite Love and Gratitude to The Primordial Source of Oneness that divides itself into the Divine Mother and Divine Father Presence that continues to move and know itself as G.O.D- The Generator, Organizer and Destroyer Energy that keeps the universe in a continual state of perpetual motion. To the Avatars, Saints and Sages who continue to leave a trail of awakening knowledge, who speak to my heart and guide us closer to remembrance of who we truly are. To my ancestors, ancient grandmothers and fathers, the plant kingdom, animal kingdom, the elements, Thank you. To the Ascended Masters, angelic beings and the Star Nations, Thank you! I am so grateful to you all. To my family, all my relations, Thank you for your teachings and lessons. All have forever touched my heart, and I am infinitely grateful for this path, and for your gracious presence. I feel you, I hear you, I see you, I bow to you in humble reverence, with love and gratitude.



Seeds of Satya is not just a name or a description of a business, it was birthed from experience and truths learned within a myriad moments of suffering, joy and unexplainable spiritual moments that continues to open doorways to healing and ultimate wholeness back to the truth of who we are. 

A STORY, the Seed of Seeds

From our first breath at birth we have been turning pages. An adventure within the external world of the senses, forgetting the nectar that resides within our very core. Here is a channeled story by Kari, the symbolism of the Seeds of Truth that live within us all that relate to our human spiritual journey.

Seeds of Satya (Truth): Spiritual Counseling, Shamanic Healing & Depth Hypnosis. The Alchemy, Specialty and Clientele


The healing experience at Seeds of Satya is an alchemical experience that shines light into the dark unknown aspects of the mind, bringing about unparalleled freedom and expansion in the mental, emotional and physical being.