A Spring & Fall Gathering For MOthers & Daughters Ages 10-17yo
Imagine being a young maiden, surrounded by an array of wise elder mothers who truly care, and are excited to hold space for you to discover your wisdom and intuition.
Imagine as a mother, sharing your inner wisdoms, stories and hard lessons won to adolescent and teens whom you can make a big difference in their life and perception of experiences.
Imagine being with a tribe of Mothers who are truly committed to not only raising an empowered, heart centered and wise daughter, but a community of wise maidens. Our future.
CallinG Mothers and Daughters!
Are you ready for a day of connection, empowerment, and embodied discovery?
Maiden Mother Circle is a heart calling to unite Mothers and Daughters into a sacred space where we learn and discover together, honoring each others wisdom.
It is a supportive safe space of love, laughter, discovery, creativity and vulnerability.
We don’t have to do this alone. Nor were we ever meant too.
Maiden Mother Circle is a one-of-a-kind event designed just for you and your amazing daughter.
By stepping into the Maiden Mother Circle you are Agreeing to Participate in a playful and sacred exchange of Embodied Discovery and Meaningful Connection.
Here we Agree to:
✧ Grow & Awaken into our Authentic & Truest Self, by allowing all of life to be our teacher.
✧ Observe & Witness our experience in embodied awareness and presence.
✧ Be Curious & Inquire into the Nature of Our Reality.
✧ Be Still and Listen to our Inner Wisdom.
✧ Be in Meaningful Relationship through heart centered Communication & Collaboration.
✧ Grow Into the Fullness of Life & ALL of Existence
✧Awaken Into our Truth & Magic.
This event is all about creating a space where mothers and daughters can come together, bond, and embark on a journey of self-discovery.
Imagine starting your day filled with laughter, heartfelt conversations, and meaningful connection.
During the Maiden Mother Circle, we will explore contemplative “Know Thyself” topics that are important to both mothers and daughters, such as embodied awareness, self-confidence, body positivity, and navigating the challenges of adolescence and motherhood. Through interactive sharing, engaging discussions, and empowering activities, we will create a safe and supportive environment for every mother-daughter duo.
This is not just an event – it's an opportunity to strengthen the unbreakable bond between you and your daughter. Together, you'll embark on a journey of growth and understanding, fostering a relationship that will last a lifetime.
Spaces are limited, so don't miss out on this incredible experience and give your daughter the gift of meaningful connection, embodied empowerment, and insightful discovery.
Maiden Mother Circle is a space of meaningful connection and embodied discovery for Mothers and their daughters
who are 10-17 yo.
This is for you and your daughter if you:
1. Desire a container of sacred and inspired growth and unforgettable connection with your daughter.
2. Know that your most important dharma right now is raising empowered and confident beings.
3. Understand the importance of, or are ready too understand the nature of our reality through embodied presence & conscious awareness.
4. Enjoy soulful experiences and discoveries that support a life of gratitude and joy through life’s many lessons.
5. Are seeking a tribe of Maiden, Mothers and Crones who are committed to Know Thyself and raising consciousness on Earth.
She is only young once.
This precious time matters.
READ: Gifts of the Honeybees
We are doing things a bit differently this series, where we will be reading at home with our daughters “Gifts of the Honeybees: Their Connection To Cosmos, Earth & Humankind” by Karsten Massei. Each month we will read 4 chapters, then come together for a day retreat. We will discuss what we learned and then move into interactive experiences where we will learn to trust our intuition through unforgettable and fun experiential energetic experiences and games that involve imagination, communication and collaboration.
Around the Spring Equinox there will be an optional experience at an additional cost where you can build your own beehive for your backyard so you and your daughter can sit with the bees. More information will be shared once we are in circle.
Gather together for a beautiful day of discovery and play.
9am- Opening Circle
9:30am -Yoga & Movement
10:30am- Tea & Snacks
11am- Discussion & Discovery With Ines Kitchen owner of a Bee Sanctuary and Emerald Ark Resonance School. She will talk with us about The Bees. She translated “Gifts of the Honeybees” from German to English.
12:30pm- Organic Healthy Lunch & Free Time To Swim & Play
2:00pm- Trust Your Intuition: Interactive & Experiential Group Activities to explore your energy & intuition that will empower you to connect with the Bees & Beings all around us, with Kari Rivers.
3:30pm- Snack, Swim and Hike
5pm- Song Church with Katrina Lilly from Freedom Family Music + Anna & Anzi of ANZA
6:30pm- Closing Circle
WHEN: Sunday, JUNE 1st, 2025, 9:30am- 7pm
WHERE: Location to Be Announced Soon.
The mission is to create a supportive, nurturing and empowering space that honors the source that we all come from, recognizing the beauty, complexities and wisdom of life, within each of our unique experiences, where we witness and are witnessed in our journey.
The intention is for embodied discovery and meaningful connection where each participant feels a network of support, inspired by the beauty of connection and the higher realities of our existence: becoming a more confident, present and radiant being of light and love by arising into higher spaces of embodied presence, conscious awareness, gratitude and joy, informed by our own inner wisdom.
Our time is spent through individual sharing, group discussions, discovery through inner inquiry, story, contemplative practices and interactive play. We interweave movement, song/voice practices, ceremony, affirmations, visualization, energy practices, theatrical expression, and creative art projects.
We learn from one another’s inner wisdoms and lived experiences.
Mommas are encouraged to take this into their households and create conversations, doing further exploration with their daughter and even family unit.
Our time together is highly interactive, experiential and even healing and enlightening. :)
Due to everyone’s busy schedules we have decided to change our gatherings from monthly to a Full Day Retreat every Spring & Fall based upon different topics that pertains to not just our human but spiritual experience, and our connection to our natural world, cosmos and one another.
The foundational Circle topics that we opened the container with were:
1.Embody Your Being: Awareness
2. Be Aware : Presence
3. Be The Witness: Observe
4. Be Curious: Inquire
5. Be Still: Listen
6. Be Responsible: Act
Our Four Bodies
Bees & Our Connection to the Earth & Cosmos
The Stories & Beliefs We Hold
The Characters We Play:Seeing Through the Theatrics
Scepter Of Truth- The Laws Of The Universe
Communications of The Heart: Your Unique Love & Apology Languages
Our Many Sacred Selves: Journeys Into Your Inner Cosmos.
Sacred Body Being: Trusting Your Body & Honoring It As A Sacred Vessel
Intuitional Magic: Exploration of Energy Medicine
Make Mistakes: Stepping Out of Your Comfort Zone
To See & Recognize Is To Be Seen & Recognized
The Most Important Questions To Ask The Universe
The Importance of Boundaries & Fierce Compassion.
Divine Union and our Pure innocence
My Unique Being Written In the Stars
And so much more.
The exploration of topics are through a Know Thyself lens. We guide ourselves through various forms of sharing, body and intuitional inquiry, contemplative practices and interactive play (movement, sound, story, creating and embodied being).
Activities are fun, yet powerful conveyors of the lessons to be embodied and understood.
The circle is held with Spiritual and personal growth in mind, but is not be based upon any particular religious or spiritual doctrine. The topics are geared toward a focus of Know Thyself., and all is geared toward discovery through lessons learned, inquiry and contemplation in group and solo experiences.
There will be at times quotes and shared stories of mystics and ancient writings, and even the Bible, Kabbala, Gnostic Text, Vedas, etc, even myth and creation stories from around the world. All appropriate and applicable to theme, to help one come into deeper relationship with self, other and universe to expand the mind from constrictive beliefs that create suffering.
Yes, The focus is that we are all Spirit! All unique with different soul purpose and lessons, due to our collection of desires, attachments, aversions and beliefs.
The Maiden Mother Circle is not therapy! The framework is built upon Know Thyself Discovery & Personal Responsibility. If there is an uncomfortable arising within, such as life, it is each of our personal responsibility to notice the trigger, create space and time to inquire into what is actually arising, in order to bring a compassionate clarity to the dissonance.
In being apart of this circle we ask that you adopt an understanding that everything and everyone is our teacher, and that we are in Sacred Relationship with all.
In our process of Know Thyself, it can bring up difficult feelings, for we are breaking down the egoic beliefs and identity, so that we can live our truest nature. Thus, as sovereign beings we look at whatever triggers us as a sign that our ego is triggered, and there is something there for us to unveil and learn from. Thus, if you find yourself in that situation, that you take responsibility and not blame others for your discomfort.
It is encouraged that if you feel a strong issue with something that has occurred or said, that causes you to not want to return, to please talk to the facilitators of the circle so that we can learn together and seek a more harmonious arising.
If you or your daughter are looking for therapy, this is not the circle for you. There may be things that arise in the circle that may trigger you, or your daughter, and if so, the facilitator will help to bring ease to the situation, however please note, it is not their responsibility to direct their full attention upon you and your daughter during the exploration of certain themes for the circle to explore. Again, this is your responsibility to notice what’s arising within and explore it at another time. You are encouraged to talk to the facilitators at the end of the program.
Everything that is said or explored in the circle, you can take it or leave it. If it resonates, great. If it does not, leave it at the door.
Kari Rivers will be the main facilitator. However, there may be other facilitators that will be sharing and inspiring us within the experience as time progresses.
Kari is a Soul Mate to the Love of her Life, a Homeschool Mother of Two Daughters.
She has been in the Healing Arts since she was 17 years old in various capacities, and began Seeds of Satya in Denver, CO, 14 years ago, seeing women, men and children as well as all over the world, virtually.
She is a certified Spiritual Counselor and Intuitive Guide that has specialized in Depth Hypnosis, Shamanic Healing, Sound & Voice Therapy, as well as Rite of Passage.
Guest Facilitators will be invited. As the circle grows and we get to know one another, I will ask for mother and daughter volunteers to facilitate and create a meaningful experience for the circle.
Depending on size of group location may change to a bigger venue, however we have been gathering at a private residence surrounded by the Pisgah Forest near the Blue Ridge Parkway, which is 21 minutes from downtown Asheville.
Will you join us?
Let’s be sure and keep in touch so you won’t forget. We will also be having a special gathering in May that you won’t want to miss in Hot Springs, NC. So please leave me your info so we can stay in touch and collaborate in supporting our daughters, our future.
Wear what you feel beautiful and comfortable in.
Bring water bottle, pen and a journal for both you and your daughter.
Please bring a journal for your daughter and yourself that is just for this time together. All that we cover are guiding life lessons that bring ease to our human experience.
When you sign up for the Maiden Mother Email, I will inform you to all the info you need for each months circle.
Many mommas have asked this question, and if you feel your daughter has the bandwidth of attention, the willingness and desire to participate in this type of inquiry based circle, I trust your judgement. We welcome you.
Kari Rivers
Devoted Lover, Mother & Mystic dedicated to the Awakening of Truth Within & Magic Without. She is a trusted Spiritual Counselor and Intuitive Guide specializing in Shamanic Healing, Depth Hypnonis, Akashic Records, Vocal Sound Medicine, and Rite of Passage for women. Kari works 1:1 and with groups in Asheville, NC as well as virtually world wide.
“I can’t say enough wonderful things about Kari and her teaching methods. She is lovable from the second you meet her and has a calming aura about her. My 16yo daughter is so much happier and positive with not only continuing struggles but with communicating with me, which usually turned into an unresolved argument in the past. Our relationship is better because of it.”
““A beautiful soul healer! Kari is an incredible facilitator and shadow healer with the sweetest demeanor. She helps you feel and heal all while holding a grounded safe space for your energetic evolution. I would recommend her to anyone wanting to deepen their spiritual connection to themselves and the world around them. Thank you for being!”
Client Reviews Can Be Found Here:
Google Business -Denver, Facebook, Yelp and Google Business -Asheville.
Would you like to donate to this cause so that we can support mothers and daughters that would like to attend, but may not have the extra income to do so? We appreciate your donation to support this beautiful experience that inspire youth and their families.
We truly believe in the power and beauty we can create with one another. This is a collaborative and empowering space.
If you feel this in your heart, then let’s please keep in touch. This is an open and flowing circle that will happen once every month.
Please fill out this form and I will add you to the group contact list for the Maiden Mother Circle to remind you of each months gathering, theme, what you need to know and must bring.
I promise to not overwhelm you with emails and only send out info regarding these circles. I look forward to getting to know you.
Love, Kari