What is the Real Magic of "Being in the Moment"?
““We have a tendency to think in terms of doing and not in terms of being. We think that when we are not doing anything, we are wasting our time. But that is not true. Our time is first of all for us to be.
To be what? To be alive, to be peaceful, to be joyful, to be loving. And that is what the world needs most.””
In yesterday's Sacred Paths of Initiation, a 6 month gathering I lead, so much came up around "I'm not enough". And this idea expressed itself in many different ways through the stories of each woman. What evolved was the importance of Being & Simplicity Vs "the cultural mind of Success & Lack".
Our culture is so hyper driven and really obsessed with the idea of we need to "Become Someone", "To Do Something Big", a subconscious thought "I need to prove my worth", that results in overwhelm and a grasping energy that blocks us from the personal magic we each inherently hold within the lessons and practices of Being. I know I've felt it and continue to get sucked into the untruth every now and then, and I'm certain each of us do in our own way.
This growing awareness and focus of the importance and practice of learning how to be truly centered in the moment is essential for us to create the world our hearts know is possible, but what most don't understand is why. What's the real magic behind Being? This is what I LOVE teaching and discovering- the energetics and power of Being, leading experiential moments that prove the Magic of Being in the moment.
I had to learn the hard way through a lot of pain and sickness, of how we are all storing ourselves in the past of grievances and a future of desire, and I'm grateful for every initiation I have went through and continue to go through. For me, Being is a moment by moment experience. Some moments I succeed and other moments I fail miserably catching myself caught in the mind of incessant swirly thought, bringing myself into the moment, back into Being. In those moments of truly Being, it continues to ignite my desire to plunge further into the simplicity of just BEING.
The practice of Being is a full surrender and softening into absolutely everything, aware of every body sensation, and observance of thought and experience. It is a practice of truly Living & Dying. An unbecoming of falsity and becoming of truth.
Through Being in the moment, we come to an encompassing understanding of all the places within and without that we are here to love into. All the places we have blocked ourselves from truly loving and accepting ourselves= other. All the places we have neglected and avoided, as well as created unhealthy attachments to for safety, which is an ill attempt to fill the void of scattered energy created by our perceptions of experience. It is in our being, we understand the importance of forgiving into all our grievances and resentments as they arise.
This Being is a transaction, a call back of our power and Love that we have stored for lifetimes, generations in other places, time, spaces and dimensions. In our growing of simply Being we find a continual renewal of our life force, a growing trust, surrender and love into each moment.
As we cultivate ourselves in this way there is a natural force that drives us into an effortless creativity received through intuition of heart. No longer our will but "Thy Will"- Cosmic will.
Thus, Being brings us into the importance of Simplicity In Life.
For Simplicity is the way to true Happiness that results in an escalating energy of Peace and Love from within that supports the entire web of life.