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Hi Mommas,

Our daughters are growing up so fast, I know you feel it.

I'd like to invite you to a monthly gathering of mothers and daughters ages 11-17yo.

Maiden Mother Circle is a space of meaningful connection and embodied discovery for Mothers and their daughters.

This is for you and your daughter if you:

1. Desire a container of sacred inspired growth and unforgettable connection with your daughter.

2. Know that your most important dharma right now is raising an empowered and confident being.

3. Understand the importance of, or are ready too understand the nature of our reality through embodied presence & conscious awareness.

4. Enjoy soulful experiences and discoveries that support a life of gratitude and joy through life’s many lessons.

5. Are seeking a tribe of maiden, mothers and crones who are committed to Know Thyself and raising consciousness on Earth.


Every month we will dive into a new topic centered around a larger theme, sharing our wisdom from our lived experiences and insightful wisdoms within.

This is an experiential and contemplative Know Thyself Circle where we will explore in a myriad of playful, creative and contemplative ways.

You and your daughter are guaranteed to receive:

✔️ Meaningful Connection
✔️ Embodied Growth
✔️ Soulful Perspective


Dates for the 2025 to be announced soon.

If you are interested, please sign the form below and share what days of the week and times are best for you.

Thank you!

Spring 2025 Theme:

THE SKEPTER OF POWER: The 7 Natural Laws in Relation to our Chakras

1st Circle<> Root & Womb<> Law of Mentalism & Law of Gender

2nd Circle<>Solar Plexus & Heart<> Law of Polarity & Law of Cause & Effect

3rd Circle<> Throat & 3rd Eye <> Principle of Rhythm & Principle of Correspondance

4th Circle<> Crown<> Generative Principle

Past themes have been:

Understanding Your Reality: Observe, Inquire, Listen, Act

Aligning The Four Bodies: Physical, Emotional, Mental & Spiritual

If you are new to the circle, no worries, we will weave the past information into each circle, and you will be given material that you can read and review with your daughter of the past circles and each circle you attend.


Kari Rivers is a devoted Lover, Mother and Mystic. She is a Spiritual Counselor and Intuitive Guide assisting others using Depth Hypnosis, Shamanic Healing, Sound & Voice Therapy and Rite of Passage. Kari has had a private practice for over 12 years assisting children, teens and adults of all ages.

We will also have guest facilitators within the spectrum of gatherings.



Once I receive your information, I will text you so that we can set up a time to talk.

February 12

Monthly FULL MOON Vocal Shamanic Healing Journey: In Person & VIRTUAL