What Is Your Freest Expression?
I’d like for you to take a moment and imagine what it would FEEL like to be in your freest expression? Sit back, take a deep breath and let your mind go as you inquire into the feeling. I don’t want to give words to your expression, I’d like for you to. Better yet, write it down, then speak it.
Now, What would it LOOK like for you to be in your freest expression? Again, sink in. Feel it and know it. Then write it.
Lastly, what do you have to do in order to move into ACTION to move toward your freest expression?
Does it mean letting go of expectations, judgments, fears, trusting the unknown, following your heart rather than the restrictions of society and ego? The journey into our truest expression means breaking the walls of all that you think you are. It is an unraveling, a discovery of your truth, not a sequential path. It sometimes calls for you to take steps back, inquire, then move forward. A delicate balance of action and stillness. With each stride you find yourself freer from the mind of personal identity and in balance with what spirit wants to happen through you. No longer a push pull scenario with constricted movement due to outdated constructs, but an ease and freedom of trust and creativity. A state of being that can no longer be denied and hidden. A beckoning for you to bring your unique wild expression. The world needs your freedom just as much as you do.
When will you begin to travel into its echoing call?
It’s always been there, just waiting for you to seek and find.