Our Multidimensional Global Wounds
We are in the universal season of destruction, a time in Vedic philosophy known as the Kali Yuga, an earth age that is beckoning for each soul’s truth; and that is not a passive action, nor is it an easy quest, but a necessary one. I have written and said countless times to those I work with and know me that these world events, just as our personal karmic (habitual) story, is a percolation of our inner wounds, the fears and grievances we hold that we are here to awaken and do differently than the past. We are here to be the bearers of higher frequencies that guides humanity into the universal season of truth and harmony, to bring forth the Satvic peace within, which will birth the Satya Yuga, the earth age of peace and harmony.
In the recent COVID pandemic, the desire for refuge and sustainable community has been seeded in the hearts of so many. I was called to this dream 9 years ago with visions of a world in sudden change from global illness, migration, rising cost, geopathic stressors and natural causes, where I was shown the way to ancestral land to live. It was a dream come true. A promise of sacred schooling and community. For a year we lived happily in our bubble. Then as the world descended into a pandemic the stories we’d heard from others who had once come and gone from our community began to make sense. My family and those we loved began to see the incongruences very clearly. It became evident that we were not in a Sacred Sanctuary, we were in a microcosm of the macrocosm. A place in which so many continue to come and go, seeking a world of connection, freedom of choice, sacred education that sustainable living. We eventually saw that the beautiful picture was painted from two brushes, one of the Old Patriarchal System and the New World that wants to be born: held by those who preach belongingness and community, but have yet to figure out how to be in true relationship with self and other.
The stories are endless, but the root which brought my family and many who live here, came from the multidimensional unfolding of a Cherokee Tribe that once lived here. They came together as once outcaste, and the land became a refuge for cultivating a new way from bi-laws and tradition that created many rifts and disagreements. The once inspired village was a growing tribe who found their "Garden of Eden" but were eventually forced from their land due to greed, the era of gold mining and colonialism. One side chose to peacefully leave, the other chose war. I will repeat…one side chose peace, the other war. This separation branched into incredible sorrow, resentment and regrets on BOTH sides in various ways that brought souls back together in attempt to save and create a new way in a very important time on earth, where spiritual awakening would sprout a new consciousness on earth.
This story continues today as countless people come yearning for a new paradigm, one where children are not masked, and education and community life is sacred and whole. Where earth and all of its elements are seen as a living communicative being, Where creativity, joy, spiritual evolution and sustainable living are the precipice of practice. Yet, since the inception of this magical land that we were called to and so many come to for this dream, there has been a revolving door between those who see through the false narrative given by the visionaries and those who uphold the structure. A visible network of unhealed trauma, childhood and past life wounds that speak to how the past affects the future when we choose to not be accountable for our actions and perceptions of our reality. All an incarnation of major fragmentation that has magnetized those with similar frequency of wounding, and those who traveled through time in hopes to heal the rifts of the old, and relearn hard lessons that we cannot save anyone, only we can save ourself.
Such lessons have come wrapped in a leading story line of complex narcissism, which is a world of its own that contain countless illusions, all created as a mechanism of staying safe by using weapons of manipulation and control through gaslighting, character defamation, lies, lawsuits, and head spinning dialogue to keep one’s illusions of grandiosity from falling apart. A sickness where the bully is protected and the bullied, bullied. Those who appease do so in order to hold tight to their creature comforts and way of life, upholding the very system they fear, are controlled by, and came to escape from, yet are either blind to or refuse to acknowledge the disfunction. A continual cycle of thriving upon drama and chaos, which is the very fuel and life force that leaders feed upon, for it is all they know to keep their prey in alignment to their will. A power sucking and disorienting story.
Despite the desire for a life giving relationship, the revolving door of families come and go, all due to the echoing paranoia of “I can’t trust you". A mirrored reflection of distrust, with one side repeating over and over, “my way is the only way”, “Be quiet", “Don’t talk”, triangulate and divide for powers sake, and “if you rise up to speak about inconsistency and unbalances, I will create lies and manipulate the story using my many weapons of energetic attack to keep you in a cycle of chaos, until you learn how to create boundaries for yourself and say enough is enough, I release all attachments and aversions. Until then, I will feed off of you, until you learn the lessons you came here for.”
As painful as it’s been. As destructive as it’s been. This outer manifestation is a gift of creating more freedom, to release attachments that have kept pulling us into the repetition of cycling of desire, an ability to peer into the deepest core wounds we house, a seeded ancestral grief due to our lack of inner freedom and connection. A multidimensional story that traces deep into our humanity and is still happening for Indigenous people’s all over the world and now modern civilization globally. This global power seeking, strips others of their power to gain power, culturally suppressing in the name of “my way is best”, “Your way is wrong”. “This land is not yours, it’s mine”, or flip it the other way which I heard resounding, “This land is not yours, it is mine. It’s my vision, and I am the only one who can see”. And from the people “This is not community, it’s a facade”.
This “you do as I say” is a relationship that is empty, emotionless and incapable of community and collaboration. An outdated imbalanced way born from fear that creates incestuous judgement and illusion in order to adjust the hems of power, and get “my way”. A way that has for unprecedented time, that still exist today, breeds cultural suppression and an extinction of human diversity.
This core deep rooted wound, has haunted us for eons. But let us keep coming back, reminding ourselves that when we allow ourselves to become the victim, our soul’s burden is just as great as our betrayer’s. And as we dive deeper, we find that our soul knows the injustices from both aspects, because we transcend and see the cascade of wounding, how we arrived to where we are and the purpose in the coming together of souls. For somewhere in time we too have played both roles. And so it goes, the universe continues to try and wake us up from our own self created perceptions that is expressed in our own unique storified ways.
May We Learn To Fly Wing to Wing With You Great Spirit.
For me, healing this deep chasm and desire for freedom and connection came through as a core feeling that “something has been stolen from me”, which automatically flags me into a series of questions and inquires. First, where have I mirrored and been the player of “….all that I have stolen from others”, for when we look at how others have hurt us, we must look at “how have I hurt others?”, and maybe that doesn't even exist in your present life story, for many of us it doesn’t. But you can bet it exist somewhere in the realms of time.
Countless times have I peered into the nature of my reality and others, layer by layer looking at the duality and myriad of soul stories we hold within, even tracing to the moment of the souls painful choice to separate from oneness, ie from the The Garden of Eden into duality, the feeling of you are different and separate than I. With each layer, a release and spaciousness naturally arises, and a new layer greets you in time. Another attempt for the universe to shake and awaken to deeper rooted layers ready to be unearthed.
Once again, this “Something has been stolen from me” came on so incredibly strong as we made the firm decision as a family to draw our life force and monetary support from a school our daughters loved and lived a normal life during pandemic. A clear choice that it was time to draw our boundaries from unhealthy dysfunctional relationships unable to be in true collaboration and community. Leaders who surround themselves with those who see what is happening, but are seduced into a fear of losing what they have, so they fall in line soaking up the narrative of “we are the chosen ones”, “the good ones”.
Thus it became clear, the other aspect of this “something has been stolen from me”, was about creating clear firm boundaries for myself, my family, and supporting others to do so in relation to those who have proven to be un-trust worthy. I can speak up about the incongruences to the person, or people at hand, but there is nothing I can say or do that will change anyone, until it is their choice to make changes in their life. For in this moment in time, those who prove to be un-trustworthy are choosing to live life through their wounded nature, thus I will continue to see and love their highest self, as I do my own being, learning how to trust ever deeper into every shifting experience without attachment or aversion, learning the soul lessons and seeking the gifts to be found within every moment.
The decision to remove ourselves was immediately felt with lightness, but the grief of any dream falling apart takes time to release from your heart as life creates anew, and as you embrace the soul lessons that are wrapped within the experience, you discover the beauty and gifts that would not have existed otherwise. I soon discovered that the preciousness of homeschooling was exponential, something I had never considered or felt capable of doing. My children were not learning as much in school as what we thought they were and could be achieving. There was a lot lacking in the curriculum they had previously experienced, and I could provide them an enriching experience at home in combination with so much that was available for homeschoolers in our community. In return it was a nurturing experience for the part of me that had always felt disappointed by the education of a bland and assimilated public school, and what I was learning fed my heart and the spiritual nature of my dharma.
Fully feeling the decompression of all that my family, friends and I had personally experienced and witnessed one another navigate, the root of "something has been stolen from me" unearthed from a message that we were not allowed to walk on land that I had vision quested on for the past 6 years, held ceremony, communed, danced and prayed upon, unless we became a part of a Christian organization ran by the family who owned the conservation land who were apart of the community and school who aligned with founders wounds. It burned through my bones so deeply, as well as all those I knew. It was another ancient story of our humanity of so many broken agreements, that turns again “this way is the only way, your way is wrong”. “We can collaborate only if “it’s my way”. The same ancestral wounds that we all see percolating in the global world around us. A long history of trauma, that we all have endured, and willingly came here to rise above. These housed wounds we all carry have created a dense debilitating passage of time that has been born from a sense of grandiosity, that I am separate from my brother and sister, which has naturally birthed colonialism, suppression, indoctrination, supremacy, abuse, and greed. Which naturally creates a cascade of those who feel powerless, captive, numb, and seeking a plethora of ways to escape and keep safe, until one day the universe shakes them awake, into a spiral of remembering.
I found the healing gifts and nectars of truth within the story and am writing this to say “Remember”.
True Freedom begins within, for it is only in our reclaiming our power and insightful wisdom of our duality that brings us into harmony with our inherent nature of oneness.
We can only mend the rifts and bring balance to our world through our individual accountability for what we each hold within the tapestry of our being.
We have to learn how to take up our own cross, and get to know our own disheartened grievances, which effects the outer world around us in seen and unseen ways.
It is only from our inner insights that we gain an unshakable firmness and courage where clear boundaries are created, and we can speak and stand bravely to that which we gave our power to and once shook us to the bone.
In this place we can soften and look each other in the eye and say “this is my body, mind and spirit and I do have a choice, a choice to stand for truth and justice, and this can only come from exploring my internal freedom and choice from within which births love and meaningful connection. I see the dysfunction of the shadow leaders and all those in passivity who surrounds them. Everyone is trying so hard to keep it together, clinging to their unconscious fear, hypocrisy, grandiosity and self-loathing. “Their which is ours- suppressed and untended multidimensional wounds””.
Let the Spiritual Awakening continue.
“We are together for all, we are souls.
We are together, for all once known.
We are the people, The people of souls.
There is nothing around that is not gold.
Oh woo woo, a feeling in your soul.
Take your life in your hand and put it together, of your soul!
We are the people of your soul,
We are the people making peace in the world.
There is nothing better, making us women and men.
We are the people, the people of the world.
Taking care and letting go until we know.
We are the people, the people of love.
We are the people in your soul and from above.
We are the people, the people of love.
There is nothing better than the plants that grow.
Clouds up above and the wind in your air.
We are the people, of the world above.
We are the people of soul and mind.
For all we are good, but nothing to try.
We are the people of soul and mind.
We are the people, of the world that we find.
We are the people that take care of the world.
We are the people, blowin’ down and up.
Oh, We are the people of the whole entire world,
And we share our love for something whole.
We are the people of love, the people of love.
Nothing is better, to our souls up above.”
-Anna Gracyn, 5 yo
A channeled song by my daughter on verdant ancestral land where this story continues to play out.