Happy New Year friend! If you have not already gotten the internal memo, it’s time to really practice non-attachment, pure presence and the witnessing nature of world events. Life on Earth has always been wild. A constant drama unfolding. Wild with greed, war and self motivated agendas. And this epoch is full of that plus natural disasters.

On the bright side, congratulations you just completed the 1st of 7 Years of intense Solar Flares. In Vedic Astrology, historical patterns show that during Solar Flares coincide with inner and outer chaos, yet is simultaneously a great time for spiritual growth. It depends on your personal focus and how you want to move forward in this cosmic time.

Fourteen years ago, I began to have visions in meditation of the world to come. Mother nature would begin to speak loudly. Destructive wild fires, floods, rising sea levels, volcanoes, droughts, hurricanes, water issues with mass migration would be a concern for the entire world. Meanwhile, I could see that there was a mass growth of consciousness, just as we have seen in the past 6 years. It’s as if the world were being split into two. One part of the earth stuck in old beliefs, habit, fear, and survival, living out the old earth paradigm. Meanwhile the other rising half had a deep relationship with the earth and cosmos. Between the two were a growing number of people who continue to cross over into the higher field of consciousness, shifting into a desire for spiritual evolution. It’s happening, and will continue to play out.


The earth continues to speak to us, shedding old skin, turning over the land, so karmic debts are paid and a new story can be written in the hearts and foundation of the earth. It’s all in the numbers and astrology. 2025 added together equals 9. In numerology, the number 9 is considered a powerful, transformative, and altruistic number. It represents the end of a cycle and the beginning of a new one, and is associated with growth and evolution. It's also said to indicate that you've lived and learned, and are living your life in a meaningful way. Meanwhile Astrology is showing that this year will be an intense year globally and in America. The unveiling of shadows continue as a new world is being washed away and a new world is being built.


We are all being called to look and support locally. To change our ways individually for the betterment of the whole. She’s asking us to follow our intuition and do what we know is best, rather than turning our back against what we know must be done due the conveniences of life. She’s whispering into our hearts to connect with community. To support your community. To know your community. Support your community and you will be supported. This is a time where we are to reset our hearts knowing that we are globally woven as one, but we must advocate for our local area. To be nourished and in a thriving supportive relationship with those around us.


While technology continues to expand beyond the limits of what our minds can often make sense of and would categorize as sci-fi, so will the unveiling of deceit, allowing opportunity and a big push for more sovereign ways and healing to take place with the populace. What is happening is a reshaping of a new world, a new time. I dare say that what lies ahead, will be hardly recognizable in the coming 25 years. Yet, it is also moving into a world that many of us have already experienced and know quite well from other off-planet experiences. Earth is a young planet. The technology that will unveil has been around for a long time.

As for health and wellness, be very sovereign and wholistic in your path. Use great discernment, and find your healers. There is amazing and incredible technology out there, however in the mainstream Corporate world of healthcare, there is an agenda to change our human biome with Transhuman technology that will come in very inconspicuous forms of nanotechnology through food, vaccines, oral and IV medications. It’s been happening and will continue to increase. Meanwhile we will see and hear more about amazing technologies that will forever change our way of being, giving life enhancing quality of life.


The world will continue to rise spiritually. A merge with Science and Spirituality will continue. However, stay in tune with the earth’s rhythms. Connect and ground daily, and whatever brings you joy, do that! The world needs your joy and magic. Tips given in 2024, 2023 and 2022 still apply.

Sending so infinite love as we launch into this wild and eventual New Year.



Kari Rivers

At Seeds of Satya you are guided into awakening your Truth and Magic through alchemical healing sessions, group workshops near Asheville North Carolina and at Sacred Earth Foundation near Denver, Colorado.


