In a world that monopolizes and controls through fear. It’s important we understand our own fears and sit with them to understand the illusions we cling to.
Our personal Spiritual Journey teaches a lot about fear. My month long Shamanic Death, plus the Rite of Passages and Spirit guided initiations have been intense and chock full of incredible lessons about fear vs courage.
These long horned bulls have also been incredible teachers. They once pinned me up against my tent. I had no idea what to do but to pray as all 6 of them stood 3 feet in front of me waving their horns.
I prayed out loud, “what do I do Jesus, Buddha, Babaji?”. Immediately I heard sing AUM. As I did they dropped their heads and started eating grass. I eventually got into my tent until one by one they pushed their curious heads into the net of my tent looking me in the eyes. My consciousness traveled deep into theirs. It was there I could see the mycelium of the soil, their soul. Their deep inner and sacred connection with the soul of the earth.
Remember when in fear, you have so many unseen beings waiting for you to ask for help.
This writing came through as I connected with Archangel Micheal and Shiva on Shivaratri last week.
"Do Not Fear"- Yeshua, Jesus Christ
"Do Not Cling To Fear"- Buddha
"When one realizes the unity of all existence, there is no room for fear"- Shiva Upanishad
Fear is afraid to Feel.
Courage knows it must feel in order to grow.
Fear turns away from something because it feels uncomfortable.
Courage looks directly at that which is uncomfortable, and gets to know it not from the mind, but the heart.
Fear seeks to separate and "other".
Courage wants to love and compassionately understand the other from the perspective of "me" and "We". To unite.
Fear is triggered by difference, by polarity.
Courage seeks to see the perfection of life. The polarity that seeks to unify.
Fear calls things a conspiracy, afraid to look at evidence.
Courage applies discernment, intuition, science and reason: aware of the infinite dimensions of time.
Fear is uncomfortable with the silence and stillness, numbing itself with outer distraction, pleasure and alterations.
Courage learns from the silence and simplicity.
Fear is afraid to feel the incredible fullness of life.
Courage is open and willing to feel the full spectrum of existence.
Fear accuses others of judging them, without seeing their own judgment towards others.
Courage seeks to compassionately examine the shame we all behold.
Fear feels something is out to get them.
Courage sees their "enemy" as an ally, helping them to see more clearly and move in a new and much needed direction.
Fear desires to be saved.
Courage nurtures and loves into all of the brokenness within and without, changing their way, realization with realization.
Fear wallows in suffering.
Courage sees suffering as an opportunity to learn.
Fear wants to burn the peaceful messenger.
Courage continues to unveil the darkness within and without.
Fear wants to hide under the covers to pretend the dark doesn't exist.
Courage increases the light, knowing the darkness will continue to rise to meet the light, until the darkness can no longer exist.
Fear accuses and attacks.
Courage watches, becomes curious, remains calm until action is needed.
Fear is moved by fear.
Courage takes action only moved by GOD, Great Spirit, simultaneously seeing the illusion of it all.
Fear can only see illusion.
Courage desires to see beyond all veils of illusion.
Fear sees limitation.
Courage sees the eternal nature of the universe.
Fear is from the mind.
Courage is from the heart.
Fear is afraid of the Truth.
Courage seeks Truth.
Fear seeks Truth outside of them.
Courage sees all of life as a beckoning to turn within to Truth.
Fear is afraid of change.
Courage desires the change that leads us towards Truth.
Fear is afraid of Death.
Courage looks at Death and knows that we are not our body or our minds.
Fear is afraid of Love.
Courage is Love.
Kari Rivers