OUR Birth In unity:
A Virtual 9 week Meditation Circle
The collective chaos exist to shatter our current system of outdated personal paradigms to wake us up into further states of sovereignty. As gnarly and uncomfortable as you may feel with all the unknowns, these struggles exist to birth us into a new way that benefits all beings.
You won’t find it on the news, or in the pages of your favorite magazine, but we are in the midst of a wild fire of mass awakening upon planet earth. Spiritual awakening does not happen when things feel comfortable. Quite opposite, spiritual awakening happens when things are hard and painfully difficult. It happens when our lives feel as if they are falling apart so we can come back together again in a unified and powerful life giving way.
Many are being drawn further into the rabbit hole of fear, loosing their minds and even exiting their bodies to move onto another experience. Others are shattering and in a “black night of the soul”, which transfers into awakening. Those who have been traveling the spiritual path, who have been doing their deep shadow work are surrendering to deeper layers, recognize their triggers allowing the synergy to move them into higher frequencies. Some are floating above it all, witnessing the various plays of light and dark, receiving transcendent waves of divine love. Meanwhile the seen and unseen ascended masters are holding the light code frequencies for humanity to move into greater and greater spaciousness, forgiveness, love, unity and ease.
Wherever you are in your journey I invite you to join this nine week circle using our voice, breath and focused awareness to connect with truth, planting seeds of unity within and without.
It has been told by ancient wisdom keepers, saints, sages and gurus throughout time that our voice carries throughout the cosmos. Our voice is a powerful mechanism of creating. Their message to the spiritual aspirant was to be cautious of idle chat. To use our words with purpose and intent, with focus, awareness, compassion, joy and love. As Paramahansa Yogananda wrote, “Any word spoken with clear realization and deep concentration has materializing value. The key resides in stepping up of the mind’s vibratory rate.”
Our purpose for this gathering will be to come together to use our unique sacred sound, our voices as a portal of acceleration into healing, ease and peace throughout these interesting times we are traveling together, which will be a bridge into the future of each new day. Together we will rise through sacred sound, intention, breath and stillness.
We will dedicate ourselves every morning and evening to an 8 part prayer, reciting a powerful truth-filled prayer, along with a specific meditation practice that will change each week using sound, meditation, breath, movement and visualization. We will become a moving vessel, a force of nature, imbuing ourselves into the vaster unshakable space within.
You will be provided with a growing part of the prayer each Sunday and a live tutorial of each specific practice to use that week with a discussion on the meaning and magnitude of the prayer and how it applies to our life of Unity within and without.
The prayer we will be using is so powerful and true to our human and Cosmic self. There is great wisdom and teachings in this written prayer. It is truly the most beautiful and truth filled prayer I’ve ever read, coming from an English translation of the Aramaic “Lord’s Prayer”, the language that King Issa, Emmanuel, Yeshua, what ever you wish to call the Avatar most known in western culture as Jesus Christ.
I’ve used this prayer in many of my workshops in the past and find it to be so powerful when used in group. It sits upon my meditation alter and I read aloud often.
As Jesus once said, “Where there are two or more, there I am.” This Journey is Unified Prayer In action!
The meditations we will be using will change each week and go along with the prayer. The meditations are a collection of work that has been discovered from within my own heart, given to me from the heart of Oneness, many which were verified later in my path in ancient writings. I have used these meditations along my spiritual path, and they are also what I teach and use within my one on one healing work. That which I we will dive into during this program are not common social media topics and teachings. They are unique to my own heart, and they are potent and time tested by countless clients and groups I’ve led in ceremony and workshops.
Sundays at 9pm EST, 7pm MT, 6pm PST
November 12th, 19th, 26th, 2023
December 3rd, (skip a week), 12th, 17th, 24th
January 2nd, 9th
We will meet on Zoom once a week on Sundays for 30 minutes.
You can be anywhere! But best to be in quiet secluded space to sink in and feel the effects.
We will start with an introduction and ceremony to open our 9 week journey, each week we will journey into the magic of the prayer with meditative experiences to draw you deeper into the vibration of our inherent truth.
You are encouraged to practice the things we go over and say this prayer every morning and evening.
Each gathering will be a review of past weeks, sharing insights and stories with an introduction of each new section of the 8 part prayer, adding a new section each week.
You will receive a document delivered to your inbox with prayer and meditation instructions after each gathering.
“Thank you Kari, I am deeply grateful that you offered this 8 week program. The prayer is beautiful and layered, and meditations and gatherings so nourishing. I get such a feeling of the loving and heart centeredness of everyone on the zoom call. I keep having a feeling that we all know each other and we’ll meet again. So much Love and Gratitude”
“Thank you for sharing Our Birth In Unity... what a powerful gift. I have been feeling so much love inside me, I almost feel it doesn’t fit anymore and its making a beautiful explosion of love. ”
“Kari Is the best. Have done private work with her that was exquisite in it’s clarity. Just finished an 8 week virtual meditation circle that was incredible. Really can’t say enough for how her work opens new portals”
“Wow. So potent. Thank you Kari! I think I could read that prayer every day for the rest of my life and still discover something new. I want to share that your song- every time- is such strong medicine for me. I feel so held, nurtured and protected by Mother and Father. Thank you for being clear, devoted and in reverent service. ”
“Kari, I want you to know that your meditations are very effective. In the moment they are happening, deep experiencing occur...not able to be translate into words. But, I have found that they do not leave.
In fact I realize that they have given me a something which has been missing from my need: of a goal and a focus , strong enough so that I do not get caught up in any difficulties which could stop my going towards them. By the end of the 6th meeting, I realized that since the previous meetings something new was emerging, becoming conscious. I really looked forward to the seventh in which this was confirmed. And doubly confirmed in the 8th. This something is, so far, a living experience in my heart. A particular quality of feeling. Thank you for being. ”
Kari guides her clients into deep transformations through Intuitive Guidance, Depth Hypnosis, as well as Sound & Voice Healing with a deep focus embodied Inquiry, Breath Work, Meditation, and Rite of Passage. She leads experiential nature workshops in sacred forest sanctuaries that empower discovery from within and our divine connection with others, Earth and Source.
This has always been a free event, however many have given Love Donations in the past because they felt they received so much from it. This is so appreciated for energetic exchange and platform costs, however I do not want someone who desires to be apart of this, not be able to due to finances. I know we live in interesting and financially uncertain times.
Venmo @KariRivers or Paypal 1kari.rivers@gmail.com
We all know that Unity is needed. When we come together, it is a powerful threshold of energy that we touch.
With your participation it is a gift to ourselves, our ancestors, the high holies, the world and the universe, the oneness that we are all apart of. Together we embrace it all.